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How to Make Sense of the Constantly Shifting Info on the Coronavirus | Tom Bilyeu & Peter Attia on Instagram Live
Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu
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How to Make Sense of the Constantly Shifting Info on the Coronavirus | Tom Bilyeu & Peter Attia on Instagram Live

Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu

Tom Bilyeu, Peter Attia

26 Clips
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The most important thing people can do for their immune system is sleep. Of all the levers we pull, getting 8 hours of sleep a night is going to move the needle as much as any.

Sleep & Exercise Are Most Critical For Immune System Support

Contrary to popular belief, there's a complete dearth of evidence suggesting that cold therapy boosts immune function, reduces inflammation, or generally produces much benefit. The benefits on heat therapy are much greater than cold therapy.

Cold Exposure Has Anti-Depressive Effects, But Doesn't Boost Immune Function

Assume any piece of food that comes in your house is carrying the virus [SARS-CoV-2] on it.

To Limit COVID-19 Infection Risk, Avoid Eating Vegetables You Can't Wash

The evidence is emerging rapidly in the past few days that the proper type of mask is truly protective.

Wear Masks! They Limit COVID-19 Infection Risk

If you were designing a virus to be maximally destructive, you would definitely take a few things from SARS-CoV-2's playbook.

Social Distancing is Essential for Limiting COVID-19's Spread

I think there's reasonable evidence that there are some anti-depressive properties of cold immersion, especially with respect to neurotransmitters that have anti-depressive benefits.

Cold Exposure Has Anti-Depressive Effects, But Doesn't Boost Immune Function

If you look at the proper use of an N95 mask, it's both a great tool to protect a person who's wearing it from others and to protect others from the person wearing it.

Wear Masks! They Limit COVID-19 Infection Risk

Unfortunately, if I had to guess, I think the number of infected people in New York is much higher than we realize.

Most NYC COVID-19 Deaths Are in the Boroughs

There's probably nothing that beats robust social distancing—both at the individual level and obviously at the societal level for the short-term.

Social Distancing is Essential for Limiting COVID-19's Spread

I think multivitamins aren't great because they basically have too little of the things you want and more of the things you don't care for.

Avoid Multivitamins; Supplement with Micronutrients Directly