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Mini-Episode: The Big Suck (with Kumail Nanjiani)
In the Bubble with Andy Slavitt
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Mini-Episode: The Big Suck (with Kumail Nanjiani)

In the Bubble with Andy Slavitt

Kumail Nanjiani, Andy Slavitt

24 Clips
Top Moments

It's okay to have days that do suck [amid COVID-19]. Don't put too much pressure on yourself for anything ... Feel how you're feeling, be intentional about how you're living your life, and if you have a bad day, don't be too hard on yourself.

It's Okay to Have Sucky Days Amid COVID-19

We all had life without the Internet, then we had life with the Internet—and mostly positive aspects of it, and now we're seeing the negative sides of [the Internet].

The Internet Facilitates Filter Bubble Formation

Helping people can also work as a selfish act. You actually feel better about yourself when you do that.

Small Acts of Kindness Go a Long Way Amid COVID-19