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A Scientific Guide to Living Longer, Feeling Happier, & Eating Healthier with Dr. Rhonda Patrick
The School of Greatness
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A Scientific Guide to Living Longer, Feeling Happier, & Eating Healthier with Dr. Rhonda Patrick

The School of Greatness

Lewis Howes, Rhonda Patrick

70 Clips
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Exercise is one of the best anti-inflammatory medicines you can get, and it also happens to be one of the best lifestyle remedies for depression.

Aerobic Exercise Increases Neuroplasticity, the Brain's Ability to Cope With Stress

There's no evidence that vitamin D helps prevent or treat COVID-19, but there's mounting evidence that with severe cases of COVID-19—people in ICUs and on ventilators—98% of people are vitamin D deficient.

98% of Severe COVID-19 Cases Have a Vitamin D Deficiency

Magnesium is found at the center of a chlorophyll molecule—chlorophyll is what gives plants their green color. Magnesium is very high in dark leafy greens. Almost half of the people in the United States don't get enough magnesium from their food.

Adequate Micronutrient Intake Is Essential for Optimal Health

Fat cells produce inflammatory cytokines ... Just having fat, particularly visceral fat, causes low-grade information. And you know what low-grade inflammation is? It means you're basically activating your immune cells a little bit all the time, and activated immune cells require a ton of energy, so you're taking energy away from your brain.

Low-Grade Inflammation, Which Increases With Body Fat, Is an Energy Sink

Salmon is one of the best sources of the marine omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which are extremely important for health— particularly brain health but also cardiovascular health.

Rhonda Patrick's Meal for Optimal Health: Salmon, Kale, Blueberries, & Avocado

Polyphenols, like blueberries, have been shown in multiple clinical studies to increase blood flow to the brain, improve cognitive function, and improve memory in young adolescents and older adults.

Aim to Obtain Nutrients from Food, Not Supplements

70% of the entire United States population has insufficient vitamin D levels.

70% of Americans Have Insufficient Vitamin D Levels; Rhonda Recommends Supplementing

There is a strong possibility—and this is a hypothesis—that vitamin D levels may play a role in the severity of COVID-19. It's not going to stop you from getting COVID-19, but it may play a role in how your body responds to it.

Vitamin D Regulates ACE2 Receptor Density & Protects Against Acute Lung Injury

There's a low-hanging fruit to being happy, and that's making sure your body has the right micronutrients.

The Low-Hanging Fruit for Happiness: Adequate Micronutrient Intake

Rhonda takes a multivitamin every day to ensure she's meeting her micronutrient requirements.

Aim to Obtain Nutrients from Food, Not Supplements

Vegetarians have a lower all-cause mortality than non-vegetarians. All-cause mortality basically means dying from all types of diseases that are non-accidental.

Vegetarians Have a Lower All-Cause Mortality Than Omnivores

If you don't have unhealthy lifestyle factors, then I think that eating meat is healthy.

Vegetarians & Vegans Are Prone to Vitamin B12 & Zinc Deficiency

There's an association with lower biological epigenetic age when you're eating fish or poultry.

Fish & Poultry Consumption Are Associated With Reduced Epigenetic Age

Psychological stress has a pretty profound effect on the immune system. It's known to depress immune function on one hand but also to cause inflammation on the other hand.

Psychological Stress Depresses Immune Function & Increases Inflammation

Broccoli sprouts have 100x more sulforaphane than mature broccoli.

Should People With Hypothyroidism Limit Sulforaphane Intake?

There have been studies showing that if you inject a person with an inflammatory cytokine, it causes depressive symptoms —compared to being injected with saline.

Because of Inflammation, Obese Individuals Are More Likely to Be Depressed

There have been studies showing that refined sugar acts on the reward pathway in the brain in a very similar manner to controlled substances like nicotine & methamphetamine—not to the same degree, but they're acting on the same systems.

Refined Sugar Mimics Nicotine's Effect on Dopamine Receptors

Early-life exposure to dirt or even pet dander can help protect against asthma and other types of autoimmune diseases.

Early Exposure to Dirt Reduces Risk of Asthma & Autoimmune Disease