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Paul Conti, M.D.: The psychological toll of a pandemic, and the societal problems it has highlighted
The Peter Attia Drive
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Paul Conti, M.D.: The psychological toll of a pandemic, and the societal problems it has highlighted

The Peter Attia Drive

Peter Attia, Paul Conti

26 Clips
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There's a humility in 'I don't know' that leads to collaboration ... It leads towards progress.

There's Power in Saying 'I Don't Know'

The idea that half the population in this country couldn't survive and move forward [from] a $500 unexpected cost ... We've talked about 'Oh, look how great the economy is doing because employment rates are high,' but so many people are living either in desperation or one step away from desperation.

COVID-19 Exposed Many People Living on a Socioeconomic Precipice

Absolute truth resonates with logical systems in our brain; relative truth (personal truth) resonates with the... limbic systems in our brain.

COVID-19 Will Change the Way People Think About Truth & Logic

Our ability to unleash emotion has way outpaced our ability... for our logical processes to keep up with that. The explosion of social media, of people being able to communicate with one another so rapidly about what they feel—our control mechanisms haven't kept up with that.

Usually Driven By Emotions, People Must Think More Critically