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Esther Perel On Navigating Workplace Dynamics
Skimm'd from The Couch
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Esther Perel On Navigating Workplace Dynamics

Skimm'd from The Couch

Esther Perel, Danielle Weisberg, Carly

20 Clips
Top Moments

Collective resilience, strength, hope is cultivated by allowing people to talk together about their worries and their concerns. Don't try to erase them. Don't try to make them artificially optimistic. The relief will come from the permission of speaking out loud with your colleagues.

To Avoid Workplace Burnout, Esther Recommends Being Open With Colleagues

When you teach, you clarify—for yourself as well as for others, and it holds you accountable in an incredible way.

During the Pandemic, Esther Perel Taught Yoga to a Group Online

Of course, it feels great when someone reaches out to you out of the blue, but it also feels even better to do it ... Suddenly, you kind of feel like you connect the dots that needed to be connected in the stream of your life.

Why Esther Perel Owes a Thank You to Her Son

When relationships at work don't work well, no matter what is your remuneration, no matter what is your promotion, no matter if you get free food, or if you used to get a gym, you basically won't sleep well.

Why Workplace Relationships Are More Important Than Ever