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What The Coronavirus Hasn't Changed About Life - Kapil Gupta
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What The Coronavirus Hasn't Changed About Life

33voices | Startups & Venture Capital | Women Entrepreneurs | Management & Leadership | Mindset | Hiring & Culture | Branding & Marketing | Life Design

Moe Abdou, Kapil Gupta

26 Clips
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The coronavirus is not about the coronavirus. There’s a far bigger coronavirus, and that's called prescription. That’s Ebola times 1000. Coronavirus is small.

There's a Far Bigger Coronavirus: Prescription

Everything is a lie. Nobody realizes the degree to which society has completely imprisoned and destroyed the fabric of the human organism.

Kapil Gupta Thinks Everything Is a Lie

Life’s always in chaos. If you didn’t have coronavirus, is your life at peace? Just look at the world. Coronavirus is just holding up the mirror even closer—that’s all it is.

Your Life Is Chaos With or Without the Coronavirus

Everyone who’s worried about the coronavirus—their life is in complete shambles as it is. What’s the difference?

Even With Millions of Dollars and a Ferrari, Your Life Would Be in Shambles

All things begin and end with maniacal desire. The things you want in your life are precisely the things that you already have.

There's a Huge Difference Between 'Want' & 'It Would Be Nice If...'

There is something in your life that you do 24 hours a day without counting the hours. There are things in your life that you do without even thinking—every single day, every single night. You never say 'Is it doable to do that?' You only say 'Is it doable?' to things that you don't want to do.

There's a Huge Difference Between 'Want' & 'It Would Be Nice If...'

Life, absolutely, is suffering. But it isn’t just because the events of life are suffering; life is suffering because of the illusions that we fall into as human beings—the illusion of mind, the illusion that we are ourselves, the illusion of attachment. All of these things rely on being completely attached to a notion of a self—that is suffering.

Life Is Suffering Because of the Illusions Humans Fall For

Look at the overall state of affairs. Forget the coronavirus. There is nothing but coronavirus.

How Does Kapil Gupta Make Sense of the Coronavirus?

Everyone is obsessed with something, and the only thing that they will get in their life consistently is the thing that they're obsessed with.

You Only Obtain What You're Obsessed With

Everything that you think that you know, you don’t. The beliefs and opinions that you have are so laughably wrong that if a god came out of the sky... and he showed you the real truth, you would be dumbfounded about how ridiculously wrong [and] so far from the truth you are.

All Your Beliefs & Opinions Are Laughably Wrong

Coronavirus is just another detail of the degradation of society ... How that degradation reveals itself is just details, and this is just a significant detail.

How Does Kapil Gupta Make Sense of the Coronavirus?

The major issues of our lives are avoided by design because the human mind enjoys distraction, and the greatest problem is the only problem, and the only problem is your mind—anxiety, fear, stress, concern, worry, anger. All of these things.

Even With Millions of Dollars and a Ferrari, Your Life Would Be in Shambles

Social distancing is all I’ve been talking about for the last 7 years … Socialization is a plague to begin with.

Kapil Gupta Thinks Socialization Is a Plague

People don’t want to be helped … Nobody actually wants to be told what to do, and quite frankly, even if they did, and you tell them what to do, they’d only appreciate that they were told, and then 5 minutes later, they’d go back to who they are.

Why Kapil Gupta Thinks 'All Podcasts Are Just Crap'

The fundamental truth is so revolutionary that it so completely tears the most foundational elements of all that a human [has been] taught. He’ll no longer know which way is up. He would be afraid to even say his own name in fear that even that may be a lie. The human has drifted so deep into lies and untruths that he shouldn’t say a word.

Kapil Gupta Thinks Everything Is a Lie

Human beings are media chasers. They're alarmists ... They enjoy the drama. They enjoy 24/7 news. They enjoy it. They actually enjoy it.

Humans Seek Distraction & Drama — We Enjoy It

Even if I gave you a magic pill and you felt better, next Monday, you’d have a new set of turmoils.

Your Life Is Turmoil With or Without COVID-19's Economic Impacts

If the desire overwhelms a person to go for the truth, then they'll automatically move in that direction. If they do it because they should, it's a waste of time.

You Only Obtain What You're Obsessed With

The mind is an internalized society.

Society Prevents People from Being Self-Honest