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COVID-19 Vaccine 101 and Inequality in Vaccine Distribution With Dr. Ebony Hilton-Buchholz - Ebony Jade Hilton, MD
The Bakari Sellers Podcast
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COVID-19 Vaccine 101 and Inequality in Vaccine Distribution With Dr. Ebony Hilton-Buchholz

The Bakari Sellers Podcast

Ebony Jade Hilton, MD, Bakari Sellers

26 Clips
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The vaccine does not prevent you from getting infected with COVID-19 ... What it does hopefully prevent—and what we're seeing in studies—is that if you come into contact with that COVID-19 virus, that you won't have the most severe form [that's] leading to literally 365,000 Americans dying because your body, as soon as it sees that virus, starts to fight it off.

Moderna & Pfizer's COVID-19 Vaccines Are of the mRNA Form

When we're looking at where those pharmacies and where those hospitals are actually located, they are predominantly in white communities—and when I say predominantly, I mean 60-70% of all hospitals and all pharmacies are literally located in those predominantly white communities. If you're in a black or brown community, you are two times more likely to see the closure of your hospital or there not being a pharmacy in general.

Most Pharmacies & Hospitals Are Located in White Communities

Herd immunity is basically an excuse—that's what they're using it for. It's an excuse as to why—as Donald Trump was quoted as saying—they were okay with young people, and kids, and babies being infected by this virus if it meant that they can open our economy up again.

Ebony Thinks Donald Trump Used Herd Immunity as an Excuse

Health is not just what happens when you walk in the hospital; health is actually developed in the community.

GOODSTOCK Consulting Helps Companies Identify Racial Health Disparities