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105: Foods and Supplements That May Help Prevent COVID-19 | Chris Masterjohn, PhD
The Genius Life
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105: Foods and Supplements That May Help Prevent COVID-19 | Chris Masterjohn, PhD

The Genius Life

Max Lugavere, Chris Masterjohn

39 Clips
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Vitamin A and D protect against the common cold.

Vitamin A & D Protect Against Colds & Influenza, But Not COVID-19

One of the things that happens to promote lung damage by the virus [SARS-CoV-2]: lung cells start making less ACE2 to protect themselves. Because ACE2 is normally a health-promoting molecule, that contributes to the lung damage ... The virus causes you to lose ACE2, and that leads to lung damage.

The Higher Your ACE2 Receptor Density, the Worse Your COVID-19 Infection Outcome

On most surfaces, coronaviruses survive for 5-9 days; on a copper surface, they survive for 5-30 minutes.

Copper is Toxic to SARS-CoV-2

Someone with a zinc deficiency is probably more vulnerable to COVID-19 infection.

Vegetarians & Vegans Have a Greater Risk of Zinc Deficiency

Animal studies suggest vitamin A & D increase ACE2, the receptor that SARS-CoV-2 binds to.

Excess Vitamin A & D May Increase COVID-19 Infection Risk

The more ACE2 mice have, the faster they die after SARS-CoV-1 infection.

The Higher Your ACE2 Receptor Density, the Worse Your COVID-19 Infection Outcome

Zinc can cause a copper deficiency. You really want at least 1 mg of copper for every 15 milligrams of zinc that you get.

Supplement with 1mg of Copper for Every 15mg of Zinc

Amid COVID-19, limit vitamin A intake to 3000 IU per day.

Amid COVID-19, Limit Liver Consumption to Avoid Excess Vitamin A

700-1,000 mg of elderberry extract (the amount derived from ~25 grams of fresh berries) has been shown to have antiviral effects against the cold and flu.

Elderberry is Antiviral Against Many Coronaviruses