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#446: Blake Mycoskie — TOMS, The Hoffman Process, Conscious Uncoupling, and Psychedelics
The Tim Ferriss Show
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#446: Blake Mycoskie — TOMS, The Hoffman Process, Conscious Uncoupling, and Psychedelics

The Tim Ferriss Show

Tim Ferriss, Blake Mycoskie

41 Clips
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When we're young, we're very astute to our primary caregiver's patterns and behaviors. We do one of two things with pretty much every single pattern & behavior of our parents: We either emulate the pattern or behavior to receive their love, or we do the exact opposite to demand their attention.

The Hoffman Process Helped Blake Mycoskie Shed Ingrained Childhood Behaviors

There are a large percentage of Americans that are chronically dehydrated ... Our body is made of 70% water, and even a 1% change in your hydration can affect your mood and energy levels.

How Madefor Helps Users Build Habits That Improve Hydration

It's very hard for people to make sustaining change in their habits or lifestyle if they're trying to learn more than one thing at a time. It takes about 30 days to really ingrain a new habit or practice.

Blake Mycoskie's Company, Madefor, Helps Users Ingrain Habits That Enhance Well-Being

Over 50% of people who get married are going to ultimately get divorced, yet we have very few tools and role models to show us a way of doing it where you can actually create a new relationship & agreement that's more powerful and beautiful than the one you entered into when you said "I do.

"Conscious Uncoupling" Helped Blake Mycoskie & His Now Ex-Wife Navigate a Divorce

The master of living does not distinguish between his work and leisure ... He lets others cast their judgments on what he's doing, but to himself, he's always doing both at the same time.

After the Success of TOMS, Why Did Blake Mycoskie Start Another Company?

When I talk to people about these types of psychedelic plant compounds, I describe the process as knee surgery—not just because you're having knee surgery, but because if you don't do your rehab afterward, you could end up worse off than you were before. There's a period of plasticity—a window of malleability—within which you can shape things, but whether it's shaped for the better or not depends a lot on your behaviors.

Ayahuasca & DMT Often Cause 'Night School' Experiences Post-Trip

No matter how much you love a hobby or how much you need releases & play in your life, the joy in those things is lost if you don't have meaningful work and responsibilities to provide balance.

Balancing Hobbies With Meaningful Work Is Essential

I know of not just one, not just two, but at least six to twelve people firsthand who've been knocked sideways and destabilized for weeks or months after using Ayahuasca or 5-MeO-DMT.

Tim Ferriss' Psychedelic PSA: You Don't Need to Escalate to Ayahuasca & DMT

I have nothing to prove to anyone. I don't need to make any more money. I don't need to have my face on the cover of any more magazines. I say this with humility, not with pride. That feeling of not having to prove anything and not having any expectations allowed me to create something—maybe even for the very first time—with such a pureness of serving humanity that it just lights me up.

After the Success of TOMS, Why Did Blake Mycoskie Start Another Company?

Everyone's fighting a battle you know nothing about. It's easy to feel alone. It's easy for people to feel alone, isolated, or uniquely flawed.

Tim & Blake Reflect on Their Friendship & the Importance of Vulnerability

A problem well-stated is a problem half solved.

The Hoffman Process Helped Blake Mycoskie Shed His Need to Be the Center of Attention