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Do I Believe in God, COVID Totalitarianism & the Climate | Jordan Peterson
The Rubin Report
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Do I Believe in God, COVID Totalitarianism & the Climate | Jordan Peterson

The Rubin Report

Dave Rubin, Jordan Peterson

35 Clips
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Look, I got vaccinated ... Here's the deal, guys, I'll get the vaccine; you fucking leave me alone. And did that work? No, so stupid me. That's how I feel about it.

Jordan Peterson: Why Get Vaccinated If the COVID Restrictions Never End?

I certainly don't understand the push to get children vaccinated ... I think that's absolutely reprehensible.

Jordan Peterson Calls the Push to Get Children Vaccinated 'Absolutely Reprehensible'

I don't think the evidence that... vaccinated people are less contagious, let's say, I don't think it's very compelling.

Jordan Peterson Calls the Push to Get Children Vaccinated 'Absolutely Reprehensible'

I think the thing that surprised me the most, probably, was how rapidly we stampeded to imitate a totalitarian state in the immediate aftermath of the release of COVID.

Jordan Expresses Shock at How Rapidly Society Imitated a Totalitarian State Amid COVID-19

50% of Democrats believe that you have a 50% shot at getting hospitalized if you catch COVID and 25% percent of Republicans.

Canada's COVID Policies Are Driven By Opinion Polls, Not Science

Things are way better than anybody thinks. We have a glorious future in front of it us if we want to. The best way to save the planet is to make poor people rich as fast as we possibly can.

Jordan Peterson's Climate Change Solution: Make Poor People Rich as Fast as Possible

The biggest environmental issue that's facing us isn't global warming; it's overfishing in the oceans as far as I'm concerned.

Jordan Thinks Overfishing Is the Biggest Environmental Issue, Not Global Warming

Men are less agreeable than women. It's a reliable personality difference. It's only about 60/40. So, if you picked a man and a woman out of a crowd, and you tried to figure out who was least agreeable, if you bet on the man, you'd be right 60% of the time.

Seattle's Autonomous Zone Illustrates Why Women Prefer Disagreeable Men

The more disagreeable you are, the less empathic and compassionate and polite you are ... In some sense, the less generous, the less concerned with others, the more concern with yourself and your victories.

Seattle's Autonomous Zone Illustrates Why Women Prefer Disagreeable Men

Here's a cool little fact ... As carbon dioxide levels rise, plants can grow in drier environments.

Jordan Peterson's Climate Change Solution: Make Poor People Rich as Fast as Possible

What I saw the faculty do in my career... was continually cede territory to the administration one cowardly decision at a time, one cowardly micro-decision at a time. And I really think that's the sin of the left, the moderate left.

Jordan Thinks University of Toronto Faculty Continually Cede Territory to the Administration