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COVID-19 Q&A #1 with Rhonda Patrick, Ph.D.
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COVID-19 Q&A #1 with Rhonda Patrick, Ph.D.


Rhonda Patrick

53 Clips
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Based on very limited evidence, there's some indication that people with blood group A may have a higher risk of acquiring COVID-19 compared to non-A blood groups. Individuals with blood type O may have a lower risk of infection compared to non-O blood groups.

People with Type A Blood Have a Greater Chance of Acquiring COVID-19

African Americans may be at a higher risk for severe COVID-19.

Obese Individuals & African Americans Are More Likely to Be Hospitalized from COVID-19

A recent CDC study of about 1500 hospitalized COVID-19 patients in 14 US states found that 48% of people hospitalized for COVID-19 were obese.

Obese Individuals & African Americans Are More Likely to Be Hospitalized from COVID-19

To cope with the COVID-19 epidemic, one preventative measure could be the administration of vitamin D to high-risk populations—dark-skinned adults with low sun exposure and/or individuals with risk factors for respiratory tract infections. Although it may not always be helpful, it's unlikely to be harmful.

Vitamin D Deficiency Increases COVID-19 Infection Risk

Approximately 70% of the US has vitamin D insufficiency, while a further 28.9% has low enough levels to be called deficient.

Most People Have Insufficient Vitamin D Levels

Heat shock proteins have been shown to be increased by approximately 50% after 30 minutes in a 163 degree Fahrenheit sauna. Once activated, they can remain so for up to 48 hours.

Heat Shock Proteins, Elevated By Heat Stress, Regulate the Innate Immune Response

There's no data to suggest that using the sauna or other modalities of heat stress, such as steam showers or hot baths, will have any effect on COVID-19 illness.

No Evidence That Sauna Use Has Any Effect on COVID-19

Sauna bathing was shown to reduce the incidence of common colds in 25 study participants that used the sauna 1-2x per week for 6 months compared to 25 controls that did not.

Use the Sauna to Reduce Your Risk of Catching the Common Cold

Most children infected with COVID-19 have mild clinical manifestations. They often have no fever or symptoms of pneumonia with good prognosis. Most of them recover within 1-2 weeks after disease onset. Few may progress to lower respiratory infections.

Children Infected with COVID-19 Often Lack Symptoms

Hydroxychloroquine was found to be 3x more potent at killing the SARS-CoV-2 virus than chloroquine phosphate in cells in culture.

Hydroxychloroquine is More Effective at Killing SARS-CoV-2 Than Chloroquine Phosphate

Obese individuals have greater than 50% less bioavailability of vitamin D compared to non-obese individuals. Obese adults in the US had 3x higher prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and 1.9x higher prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency than non-obese adults.

Most People Have Insufficient Vitamin D Levels

Men who use the sauna 2-3x weekly were 27% less likely to develop pneumonia than those who use the sauna once per week or not at all. Men who use the sauna 4-7x weekly were 41% less likely to develop pneumonia compared to infrequent sauna users.

Frequent Sauna Use Decreases Risk of Pneumonia

Rhonda supplements with 4000 IUs of vitamin D per day. Her levels stay consistent at 50 ng/mL.

Rhonda Supplements with 4,000 IUs of Vitamin D Daily