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Episode 500: Slack CEO Stewart Butterfield on coronavirus, working from home, and Slack's redesign
Recode Decode, hosted by Kara Swisher
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Episode 500: Slack CEO Stewart Butterfield on coronavirus, working from home, and Slack's redesign

Recode Decode, hosted by Kara Swisher

Stewart Butterfield, Kara Swisher

38 Clips
Top Moments

If you're the smaller startup that has a real focus and traction with customers, you have some advantages against the large incumbent that has multiple lines of business, because it's harder for them to focus.

Smaller, Focused Startups Often Have an Advantage Against Large Incumbents

Communication is the most fundamental thing that people do inside of organizations ... People spend more than 50% of the time on basic acts of internal communication and coordination.

To Increase Work Productivity, Improve Your Communication Tools

Typically, Slack adds ~5,000 new paid teams per quarter. Halfway through quarter two of 2020, they've already added 7,000.

Slack's User Base is Surging Because of COVID-19

Slack is a great tool for working from home, but its bigger contribution is giving an organization the agility and responsiveness necessary to make the transition to working from home.

How the Coronavirus Led to the Most Productive Week in Slack's History

Every time I've ever driven past a mom and pop store or restaurant that's gone out of business, it's always upsetting. It's someone's life work and they're probably bankrupt—it ruins them. Think about the cascade of that.

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