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The 5 Keys to Long-Term Happiness and Prosperity with Dr. Laurie Santos
The School of Greatness
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The 5 Keys to Long-Term Happiness and Prosperity with Dr. Laurie Santos

The School of Greatness

Lewis Howes, Laurie Santos

36 Clips
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There's evidence suggesting that a half hour of cardio every day is as effective as a prescription of Zoloft for reducing depression symptoms.

Adequate Sleep, Regular Exercise, & Healthy Diets Boost Happiness

Over 40% of current-day college students report being too depressed to function most days. Over 65% say that they're lonely or overwhelmingly anxious. Over 80% say that they spend most days feeling overwhelmed by all they have to do. It's just really tough right now.

The Mental Health Crisis Among College Students Led Laurie to Study Happiness

All the research suggests that happy people are really social. They tend to talk to random strangers, they tend to be around other people, and they really make time for the people that they care about in their life.

Happy Individuals Talk to Strangers & Prioritize Relationships

The research suggests that it's for sure possible to change your levels of happiness. Every single one of your listeners could achieve higher levels of statistical well-being ... But to do that, it takes work.

Increasing Baseline Happiness Is 100% Possible — But It Takes Work

There's this, kind of, mistaken notion that happiness is all about self-care and self, self, self ... But what the science suggests is that happy people are really other-oriented.

Happy People Are Other-Oriented: Doing Nice for Others > Self-Care

There's lots of evidence suggesting that gratitude can have a specifically powerful effect on sleep. Even things like immune function—it makes our immune systems work better.

Happy People Practice Gratitude; They Frequently Count Their Blessings

I feel like we could solve most of the mental health crisis on college campuses if we just got these kids to sleep.

Adequate Sleep, Regular Exercise, & Healthy Diets Boost Happiness

People consistently overestimate how many good things other people are getting. In other words, other people aren't doing as well as you think. But what's worse is people really, really, really seriously underestimate the number of people that are going through bad things, almost by double digits.

Laurie's Message for Depressed College Students: You Aren't Alone

We really have to make sure we're protecting our physical health because that has a huge implication on our mental health.

Adequate Sleep, Regular Exercise, & Healthy Diets Boost Happiness

It's possible to rewire our habits, just like it's possible to become healthier in terms of our physical fitness or lose a bunch of weight ... You can do it, but it's not like you go to the gym once, and then you're good ... You actually have to put in constant effort.

Increasing Baseline Happiness Is 100% Possible — But It Takes Work