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#418: Esther Perel — Tactics for Relationships in Quarantine
The Tim Ferriss Show
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#418: Esther Perel — Tactics for Relationships in Quarantine

The Tim Ferriss Show

Tim Ferriss, Esther Perel

47 Clips
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You can't be feeling great at this moment. You're out of touch with reality if you're feeling great. You can feel relieved; you can feel thankful; you can feel appreciative for what you have; you can feel humble; you can feel thankful. But you can't feel great in this moment, because if you're feeling great in this moment, you're detached and disconnected.

It's Okay Not to Feel "Great" During the COVID-19 Pandemic

If you don't feel that your life is important enough for you, sometimes it helps to know that at least it makes a difference for others.

Your Life Matters; There Are People Who Need You

Being healthy doesn't mean not having a virus; being healthy is being connected to all kinds of things in the world—nature, people, work, art. Purpose is the peace.

If You're Feeling Lonely During Your Quarantine, Volunteer

Dancing is extremely important at this moment [during the COVID-19 pandemic]—more than exercise. You can't dance and be sad. You can listen to music and cry; you can read and cry; you can draw and cry. But you can't dance and cry—the body won't let you.

To Keep Your Spirits Up Amid COVID-19, Dance!

What disruption and impending disaster does is it accelerates everything—it functions like an amazing accelerator. We all know that in the aftermath of this COVID-19 disaster, there will be more babies, more marriages, and more divorces.

The Coronavirus Crisis is An Amazing 'Accelerator'

Even if you feel that people don't love you or wouldn't love you or couldn't love you, there are still plenty of people who need you.

Your Life Matters; There Are People Who Need You

If you think you're enlightened, go spend a week with your family.

Esther Helps Parents Communicate More Effectively with Their Kids

Peer connection is probably the most important thing that will help us in terms of mental health at this moment [during the COVID-19 pandemic].

Peer Connection Aids Mental Health Amid COVID-19

All your resident fears—all those fears that live inside of you that are usually tucked away, I promise you they will come out in situations like this. It's the residue. The attic opens up.

Childhood Trauma Makes COVID-19 More Stressful for Tim