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#300 Joe Rogan: Comedy, Controversy, Aliens, UFOs, Putin, CIA, and Freedom
Lex Fridman Podcast
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#300 Joe Rogan: Comedy, Controversy, Aliens, UFOs, Putin, CIA, and Freedom

Lex Fridman Podcast

Lex Fridman, Joe Rogan

59 Clips
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That's the thing that I use for everything is the brutal exercise. My exercise routines are horrible. And because of that, everything else is easier. I create my own bullshit, and my own bullshit is so much harder. And it's not just that—it's also sauna and cold plunge. Torture sessions, enduring those, when you endure those, it makes enduring other things much easier.

Brutal Exercise Makes Life Easier for Joe Rogan; He Creates His Own Bullshit

Biden shakes hands with people that aren't even there when he gets off stage. I think he's seeing ghosts. You see him on Jimmy Kimmel the other day? He was just rambling. If he was anyone else, if he was a Republican, if that was Donald Trump doing that, every fucking talk show would be screaming for him to be off the air.

Joe Rogan Predicts Trump Running in 2024, Calls Biden a 'Dead Man'

Especially sedentary people—they have a very high level of anxiety already, because I don't think they're giving their body what it it needs ... Your body has certain requirements in terms of movement, and when you deny your body those requirements, I think there's a general level of anxiety that exists in almost every one.

COVID Was a World-Shaking Traumatic Event; It Exacerbated Anxiety Levels

There's a great benefit to going through anything difficult ... The great benefit is it gives you an opportunity to grow; it gives you an opportunity to express yourself under pressure, to show your character, to show who you truly are, and it gives you an opportunity to see how you handle a very difficult situation.

Joe Rogan on How He Handled the N-Word & COVID Controversies: 'I Used Mushrooms'

I don't think people are happy if they don't have puzzles and complex tasks and things that are interesting to them ... Doing things that are difficult, it's as much of a nourishment of the mind as food is a nourishment of the body.

Difficult Tasks, Whether Physical or Mental, Make You Happier

You're not supposed to be taking in the opinion of the world. You're supposed to be taking in the opinion of small groups of people that you encounter, so that you get an understanding of how you make them feel.

The Media Tried to Cancel Joe Rogan; He Ignored 100% of It

There's so much inspiration to be gathered from other people ... There's something that we can all get out of watching the way other people live their lives.

Handling the Trials & Tribulations of Life With Grace Provides an Example for Others

I'm not a Trump supporter in any way, shape, or form. I've had the opportunity to have him on my show more than once. I've said no every time.

Joe Rogan Turned Down Multiple Opportunities to Interview Trump

Find a thing that you genuinely enjoy, because getting good at things you genuinely enjoy is extremely beneficial for young people ... Every young person thinks they're a loser ... I didn't know I wasn't a loser until I started winning, until I started doing martial arts. Martial arts taught me that I could get better at stuff, that I wasn't really a loser; I just was someone who was, like, in a fucked-up situation.

Joe Rogan's Advice for Young People Living a Tough Life: Find Your Passion

I think you can really benefit from physical struggle. And you benefit from it in a mental way, and I think that is overlooked. That's, unfortunately, overlooked by academics and intellectuals who— They make excuses for why they're fat and lazy or scrawny.

Physical Challenges Have Intellectual Benefits; They Give You Mental Strength

There's a general tendency that people have towards negativity when they're interacting with strangers online, especially about controversial subjects. And even if it's only 10% of the people, it's 1 out of 10. That's a lot. That's a lot of negativity when you're dealing with thousands and thousands of tweets.

Lex Was Criticized for His Podcasts About the War in Ukraine; Joe Reacts

The Trump era is also going to be one of the weirder times. When people look back historically about the division in this country, he's such a polarizing figure that so many people felt like they could abandon their own ethics and morals and principles just to attack him and anybody who supports him because he is an existential threat to democracy itself.

Joe Rogan Predicts Trump Running in 2024, Calls Biden a 'Dead Man'

Look at the way people look at Alex Jones now, because Alex Jones has been on my podcast a few times ... The people that have watched those podcasts think he's hilarious. And they think that he definitely fucked up with that whole Sandy Hook thing, but he's right more than he's wrong.

Joe Changed the Public's Perception of Alex Jones; He Was Right About Epstein's Island

I think the government has a lot of contempt for the citizens; I really do. I think they have contempt for our intelligence; they have contempt for our need to know things. And I also think they think that they are running us. It's not 'we're all in this together' and 'the government works for the people' and 'the government is of the people.' I don't think they think that way.

Joe Rogan Thinks the US Government Has Contempt for Citizens

Let me explain something really clearly: There's not a fucking person on Earth who's ever changed their life because of a joke. That's not what they're there for; they're there for jokes.

Joe Rogan's Advice for Open Mic Newcomers: Being Funny > Being Woke

Be someone who someone would want to be in a relationship with.

Be Someone Worthy of Being in a Relationship With

That's one of the things that I really love about my wife. And she's very smart, and she works hard. She's a dedicated, disciplined person. But she's also really nice. That's one of the things I like the most about her. She's so nice. She's always smiling.

Joe Rogan's Favorite Thing About His Wife? How Nice She Is

The way you handle things with grace and dignity and discipline can show other people that they can handle their own life this way. And there's beauty in that; there really is.

Handling the Trials & Tribulations of Life With Grace Provides an Example for Others

That's a person's opinion. You take a person's opinion, you write it down, it doesn't give it any more relevance. Like, that person could have had that opinion in silence. They could have had it with some friends at dinner. They don't like me, whatever. I don't want to read it. I don't want to absorb it. I don't even know them, especially if I'm not there.

The Media Tried to Cancel Joe Rogan; He Ignored 100% of It

Like the UFO thing, I was all-in for a while. And now I'm like, man, something smells fishy ... Here's my problem with the UFO thing: I want it to be real so bad. That's my problem with it. I'm such a sucker.

Joe Rogan Wants UFOs to Be Real, But Something Smells Fishy

You can learn to play guitar. Someone can teach you the chords ... You can't teach someone how to do comedy.

You Can't Teach Someone Comedy; Fewer Art Forms Have a Lower Rate of Success