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Joanne Wilson of Gotham Gal on How She’s Investing in New York’s Next Big Industries
Lindzanity with Howard Lindzon
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Joanne Wilson of Gotham Gal on How She’s Investing in New York’s Next Big Industries

Lindzanity with Howard Lindzon

Joanne Wilson, Knut Jensen, Howard Lindzon

35 Clips
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There has to be, though, some kind of national database so that if I go to a restaurant, they know that I got the vaccine. I don't want some idiot who's like an anti-vaxxer coming in the door with me.

Joanne Thinks America Needs a COVID-19 Vaccination Status Database

You don't make money putting money in on something that the first valuation is $12 or 15 million ... Even if you look at the best venture capitalists in the business, if they let you in the back door, they made money when they put in money, real money, at $3-5 million.

The Three Reasons Why Joanne Wilson Pulled Back from Angel Investing

When you come into New York and you see Hudson yards—what is completely detached from the city ... My biggest joy would be to see that entire thing become middle-income housing. What is the point of building a 1980s glittering mall in 2020?

Joanne Would Love to See NYC's Hudson Yards Converted to Middle-Income Housing

If you want to be a really good angel [investor] these days, you're best to focus on one or two industries and be deep in those industries.

The Three Reasons Why Joanne Wilson Pulled Back from Angel Investing