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Hillary Clinton on the Coronavirus Pandemic, the Federal Judiciary, and the 2020 Presidential Election
The Bakari Sellers Podcast
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Hillary Clinton on the Coronavirus Pandemic, the Federal Judiciary, and the 2020 Presidential Election

The Bakari Sellers Podcast

Hillary Clinton, Bakari Sellers

19 Clips
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Even today, if we took mask-wearing and social distancing seriously, we could get the [SARS-CoV-2] virus under control in 4-6 weeks. And that's not just me saying it; that's people within the Trump Administration, like his Surgeon General and the head of the CDC—people that he put there.

Hillary Clinton Thinks Trump Dropped the Ball on COVID-19

If you're going to be in the public arena—man or woman, but particularly for women—you have to be prepared to fight for what you believe in.

Hillary Clinton's Advice to Women Targeted By Right Wing Media Smears

It has to be protest and vote. Protest alone can raise the issue. It can illustrate it and make it a stark choice, but if we don't have leaders who are going to listen, respond, and do the hard work of changing those systems, we're going to be back here in two years, three years, five years—however many years from now, and I do not want that to be the case.

After George Floyd's Death, Public Opinion Around Black Lives Matter Began Changing

I don't believe you change hearts; I believe you change laws. You change allocation of resources. You change the way systems operate. You're not going to change every heart—you're not. But at the end of the day, we could do a whole lot to change some hearts, change some systems, and create more opportunities for people who deserve to have them to live up to their own god-given potential.

After George Floyd's Death, Public Opinion Around Black Lives Matter Began Changing

Even if Donald Trump is defeated—which I believe he will be—on November 3rd, his impact on the Republican party will last another decade plus.

Donald Trump's Negative Imprint on the Republican Party Will Last Decades